Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Why Do It?

Have you thought it out? Asked yourself why you do what you do... and gotten a clearly-defined answer?

If so, congratulations! You are part of a very small minority.

(Let's exclude money, sex and power, which, according to Sigmund Freud, are the answers to everything.)

Most of us answer with a generic answer because we really don't know ourselves and don't know why we do things... haven't figured out what drives us, what the emotional needs are, or what is it that makes us feel good.

No matter what the question is specifically, the answers are always the same... for the fun, enjoyment, excitement, feelings, relaxation, fitness, curiosity, being outside close to nature, and (lately) saving gas.

Fun being #1 by far.

The question may be why work, why play, why bike commmute, why hike, why feed the ducks, why landscape, why bike solo, or why a beer with friends.

Why date a floozy?

But it doesn't matter what the question is, the answers are always the same, and it's always a combination of answers. One fellow says he bike commutes for fun, not for the gas savings. I argued that whether he wanted to or not, he was savings gas. Can't but.

The world has no simple answers to simple questions... unless you're 5 and still believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy.

- © 2008 by Willy

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