My daughter and I have a yearly ritual. We get together every summer for a backpacking trip. It's a week or two, sometimes the A.T., sometimes others, but usually remote and usually by ourselves. I enjoy these bonding times. A few years ago, we hiked the White Mountains of New Hampshire. We bought plane tickets and secured reservations ahead of time... we paid for it. When the time came, it was rain, rain and more rain... but we executed the plan. In other occasions, we've hiked in extreme heat, extreme cold, and extreme fatigue.
What this pointed out to me is that I must train accordingly, in all conditions. Especially if I'm to be a tough old man... one of my goals in life.
So, when bad storms come locally, and it's either on my after-work hike day or on the weekend... I hike. I hike by myself (I do not want to risk others). I hike in parka... wet, cold and all. I just do it. No excuses. The storms add excitement to my little adventure. My kind of excitement.
And at the end, I have a terrific feeling of accomplishment and increased self-esteem... I feel smug all over.
- text © 2013 by Willy
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