Monday, September 3, 2007


I've been noticing a few things lately. For one, for the last year or two I have not been able to focus on what I'm doing.

It's not so bad at work, since I've been doing the same type of work for many, many years... but outside of work it's been difficult to focus, to problem solve and to think rationally. For instance, the heat got to me last Summer, and so this past Spring, right after my fiance and I split, I replaced the 17-year-old air conditioner, since it was throwing breakers while I was at work and I'd end up having trouble sleeping in the heat.

There's nothing wrong with that story until I add that last year I also had to have the roof replaced, and they took out the 4 attic power vents and replaced them with passive ridge vents. Blam! Two and two now do add to four, don't it. I probably could have just added 4 new power vents instead of a new a/c, which is exactly what I've got to do anyway, since the new bigger a/c couldn't keep up this Summer anyway! Oh, well... that was an old a/c anyway.

Other examples abound, I'm discovering.

Hope your thinking is rational!

-text © 2007 by Willy

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