Sunday, March 23, 2008

Do Nothing

Brother Andre was seated next to his walker when he smiled and said "This place is for the birds!" As the nearby wren sang his song, we continued to chat outside the cafeteria. Birds of all types flew around, attracted by the undeveloped area. The wind russled the shrubs into lulling noise, and we relaxed.

The monks' way is a low-key, low-effort, low-activity way of life. Time stands still in a monastery. Yes, they pray a lot... just like they eat a lot... and some have assignments to do, but there are big gaps in between to relax and do nothing.

One of the young monks was walking around very slowly outside praying the rosary in complete detachment from the world around him while I lapped him repeatedly, fast-walking the perimeter in a sweat.

I rushed in to the conference room while greeted by a sweet, simple, very slow and calming version of the Kyrie, to await a priest and his prepared speech on the Passion church history.

The Abbott quietly stated in his Holy Saturday homily "we simply wait in silence for the glory to come." This correlates with the "sometimes the best thing we can do is nothing" statement going around.

Their lifestyle, and these statements, drives hyperactive codependents like me nuts.

Nothing? I don't get it, but there might be something to it.

- © 2008 by Willy

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