Sunday, August 16, 2009

Between Heaven and Earth

There are acquaintances, there are friends, and there are buddies.

I'm in the process of helping buddy Delia move to her new condo, little by little. A recent widow, she has no children and one nephew... but she has me, Jane and young David. Delia is doing better after having both knees replaced and losing 40 pounds, but she's old, has fallen, and is having some concerns. She did order a hospital bed to her new condo, though. I'm glad she's still around... she's a grand dame and I enjoy an intelligent conversation. I've only known her a dozen years but she feels like an old buddy. Somebody took a picture of me and Delia snoring in a pew at a Prague church, so, we've slept together. A relationship, for sure.

I'm a big guy, but next to my buddy Dallas I look small. I've been working out with young Dallas for 18 years at four gyms, and... still... aspire to get huge like him. He's a nice guy too, not a 'roid rage lunkhead like other big guys. No, I do not need a skinny workout partner to look bigger. Dallas and I have had our arguments... a readhead came between us once... but we're buddies. Another relationship.

I've gone on adventure vacations with others of both sexes and a variety of age differences... I pick up old Roger this Saturday to hike the Smokies and young Diane will spend her weekend housesitting (we've gone vacationing together too) to feed and observe my wild animals. My blessings include uniquely kind-hearted Jennifer W, positively terrific Heidi, patient tutor Phil, delightful daughter Jennifer, reliable Jim, as well as many others.

I've got many strong relationships, but no romantic ones... intentionally. Friends and buddies are all the relationships I need, and all I can handle.

My buddies keep me between heaven and earth. They are the angels without which I would not enjoy life. Thanks, buddies.

- © 2009 by Willy

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