Sunday, March 31, 2013

Why I Train

My old friend Jim is an eclectic kind of fellow... an engineer that carves and paints, but also canoes and hikes. Like me, he loves the outdoors.

Jim took me bushwalking this weekend at a national wilderness... off-trail, over downed trees, rock climbing up waterfalls, through briars, stepping across boulders and walking on logs across creeks. I thought I was in good shape but this was tough. We only did 11 miles in 8 hours.

This wilderness was new to me, so there was a rich bounty of photographic subjects... of moments to capture. What a great place... what a great life. This is why I train.

- © 2013 by Willy

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Old Friends

Old friend Amanda and I were having coffee yesterday, discussing various old age topics.

"I don't want to be a nuisance to anybody." I said.

"Well, it's too late for that!" she said.

"Haaa jaaa heee jeeeee!" we both roared, and kept on going like this for an hour or two.

Time flies, and regular coffee meetings with various old friends has become commonplace and very much something to look forward to. I'm sure we discuss the same topics, maybe even use the same jokes, and we always have fun. They are like a ray of sunshine.

And as healthy as regular cardio.

- © 2013 by Willy

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Evil Happens

Why does evil happen? God, in perfect love, allows us the chance to do the right thing, or the wrong thing. Just giving us the opportunity does not mean God creates evil. But God allows the possibility of evil. And some choose to follow the wrong path. Such is life. Evil happens. I choose The Father, who guides me with a soft hand an an easy touch. Those evil people can go to hell.

The evil also make the wrong choice on health and fitness... living a rough life which eventuality results in bad quality and quantity, and thus getting to hell faster.

- text © 2013 by Willy

The Real Thing

Compared to a hike, doing cardio at the gym is like masturbating... we get the same result but with a very different feeling. In a hike, we get intimate with nature... we are provided nature's ample bosom.

The gym has shock, but nature has awe.

Besides the better feeling, nature fully satisfies all the senses. There is little better than standing on a sunny peak, enjoying the view, feeling the wind, having smelled the wildflowers, hearing only yourself pant, and tasting the accomplishment. Enjoy!

- © 2013 by Willy

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


I have been humbled by a Wii... the type with a floor pedestal for exercising. My toes were hanging out in front due to my big feet, but this gadget seems to sense weight in four places... front and heel of each foot... while an exercise program runs, which measures and exercises balance.

Right off the Wii insulted me when it created an avitar based upon asked height and its measured weight...  and my avitar was overweight.

I tried several different exercises like step, bike, and hula... and some of them were hard enough to make me break out in a sweat. I wasn't good at it at all and it gave me an age based upon my performance... which was right!  Heavens, I do not act my age as far as fitness goes, so it was a total insult. Margaret, the Wii's young lady owner was gracious enough not to laugh, but I'm sure that I was entertaining with my ineptness. I note that the gadget told HER that she was twenty years younger... she is good.

So, what did I learn from this? One lesson is that I have to get better at balance, so I'm back to not grabbing the elliptical... I've been lazy about that.  The second lesson? Quit playing Wii, of course.

- © 2013 by Willy