Sunday, January 2, 2011

Goals Vs. Resolutions

I don't know all the answers but goal setting seems better than new year's resolutions. Goals force the discipline that enables the journey.

Also, goals like big hikes... instead of a resolution to stay fit... inspire and motivate me.

This year I'll be doing a two-week High Sierras hike besides the traditionally tough one-week hike with my daughter.

Last year I noticed that I'm going for quality of life. That is, I chose to avoid slow suicide due to overweight-related old-age problems like diabetes, high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks. And in order to do so I must stay fit through diet and exercise. This would give me independence in old age.

Besides, I enjoy nature, so I enjoy my long hikes... and being able to do them is a goal too. Circular logic, isn't it?

And having discipline with this helps me with "that." Lots of "that's."

I'll be using meditation and solitude with my discipline for training, but with a lot of community help.

- © 2010 by Willy

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