Life reminded me who is in charge: I have Stage 3 or 4 Lymphoma cancer in my back. I can't walk.
I'm not that tough, after all.
It snuck up quick and silent, mascarading as a typical back-ache and scoliosis... six weeks ago. Six weeks!
At first, I did more yoga, then the upside-down traction table, then went to the Chiropractor four times, then my GP doctor and finally a referral to the back specialist who sent me to the cancer doctor. The pain was unbearable.
All this with friends taking and helping me, and my best friend interceding.
I was lucky that there was that new, freshly-graduated star waiting in the wings, or I'd be dead by now. She is one smart cookie cancer doctor. And even more hyperactive than me! I am also lucky to have unbelievable great friends helping me.
Have had several Radiation treatments. Yesterday had my first Chemo... all day long. Will have more of everything before the next Chemo "bullet" in three weeks.
As it is, I'm starting this tough struggle quite late, and don't know where I'll end up. More humble pie, but perhaps goodbye. Lord, have mercy on me.
- copyright 2014 by Willy
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