There's this funny little bird with tall legs called a Killdeer.
I hear them before I see them while bicycling and hiking, sounding "titiiiuuuu, titiiiuuu." It likes to hang out on muddy creeks and build its nest right on the ground, which is not a smart thing to do, since predators would have an easy time eating eggs and young. The Killdeer's solution is to decoy the predator away from its nest, singing its "titiiiuuuu, titiiiuuu" while walking away. To find the nest all I have to do is look where he's coming from, not where he is.
I'm sure that, to a higher being, we too are funny little people, with odd behavior... demonstrating hate, anger, fear, pain, lust and love, for whatever reason (usually selfish). And I'm also sure that the higher being can see right through us and tell what we're up to by where we're coming from.
Maybe we can too.
Matter of fact, I'm convinced that we are a great source of both entertainment and sadness to a higher being.
And to me too.
- text © 2008 by Willy
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Saturday, April 12, 2008
We Are Blooming
The first things that bloom around here, in February, are Bradford pears, wild pears and plums... all pop out beautiful white flowers which drop before leafing out. The Bradford (ornamental) Pear has a characteristic and beautiful lollipop shape too, unlike the scraggly wild pear and plum.
At about the time the pears are dropping petals, the native Redbud trees start the same cycle. Flowering in mid-March, scrawny but populous like the wild pear, but pink in color, the Redwood flower petals have been dropping, and are rummored to taste like pepper. Redbuds grow well under our oak-hickory canopy.
In turn, the Redbuds drop all their petals in time for the Dogwoods to flower out, which is happening now, in April.
So we have a long, gorgeous, early flowering spring every year, with trees that shed their petals like snow.
It's beautiful to hike or bike through the falling flower petals, so we ourselves venture out to enjoy the nice temperatures and the blooming trees... and thus we ourselves are blooming out (of the house), with many things to do. Besides the fun things like hiking and bicycling, we also have yards and flowerbeds now, and home repair chores to do before it gets too hot. Blooming out for us also helps us put away our Winter blahs, anxieties and depressions. It's a great rebirthing or restarting process, both for nature and for people.
Supplement that with the right positive attitude, and kind words and deeds, and you can really change lives for the good. Our own included.
May all your weeds be wildflowers.
- © 2008 by Willy
Saturday, April 5, 2008
It should be simple: if you don't like your significant other the way he or she is, leave... you shouldn't have gotten together to begin with. Be truthful with yourself, and don't make life difficult for both of you. And vice-versa... if her or she doesn't like what you are and wants to change you, leave.
However, some things get in the way.
Towards the end of spinning class yesterday (it was raining) while we were expending it all with a heavy load, the moaning lady next to me drew my attention. I took an earplug off, and realized that I hadn't heard moaning in a looong, long time... nor kisses and hugs.
This can get in the way of simplicity.
Besides lust, also in the way could be love, marriage, cohabitation, codependency, obsession, and many other emotions or needs... but let's just deal with one, lust.
For a good lust repellent, I'm going to weave two items together. First, there's a Brit on TLC whose claim to fame is helping your eating will power by associating food with worms, hair, etc. And second, the saying "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and it annoys the pig."
Let's French kiss that fat, nasty, ugly pig!
And add this mental image to our array of relationship repellent tools.
- © 2008 by Willy
P.S., I think women are terrific, but I just don't want a relationship.