It had rained much. Huffing and puffing, hiking fast solo on the trail yesterday, I could hear Jennifer saying, "You've got boots, dad... just step into that mud." So I sank in the bog a couple of inches, powered my way forward without losing my boot, and lost no time. Later, going hard on a steep uphill, "Lengthen your stride." Soon Dallas was saying, "Shoulders back, man." Most of the time I was hiking I heard various priests from the past saying "Miserere nobis," to which I added "for your people in Japan, Father," in virtual community. Then I increased tempo and intensity.
A couple of weeks ago while pulling up front against cold wind on my fat tire commuting bike, spin class instructor Ed's comments were with me, "Use your quads. Pull those legs up. You won't win any events unless you do," and Roger's, "Forget about pushing the pedal, that will happen all by itself." So, I concentrated on pulling up. Then Karen's "Relax that upper body so you'll have blood for your legs" came through. So I relaxed wrapped onto the bars, concentrated, and increased to 18, still shivering but no longer wishing I had a second layer.A week ago while on TDY, I wondered around downtown and I heard Jon, "Watch for the gypsies, put your wallet in the front pocket," and Joel's "Know them but don't meet their eyes. Do discipline of the eyes." At the food court it was Anna saying "More fruits and vegetables!" And then "Good thing you took a taxi," yes, thanks whoever told me that, if any. I'm getting old and I need discipline and safety, not that kind of adventure. Then I went back to the motel and worked a machine for an hour and a half and walked 20 flights of stairs.
I've been carrying a lot of people with me, but they feel light. They're my brothers and sisters. My Father, the head coach, coaches me through them.
- © 2011 by Willy
Friday, March 18, 2011
I Am Many
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Miserere Nobis
+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.Father, the people of Japan need your mercy. Their souls are on their knees. They are suffering the consequences of living in this world. Lord, I ask that you touch them, wrap your arms around each one of them. I pray you.
I pray for courage for your people and our neighbors, for strength to bear the unbearable, for the grace to remember what they have left instead of what they have lost. Help them tap those hidden reserves of faith and courage that are available to us.
Our Father, please be with them. We need you and we call to you. Calm them, accompany them, open their eyes, and help them deal with their problems. Offer them a way up and out of their predicament, so that they can further praise Your holy name, and so that they can help others in Your name. Come to their aid. We are asking Lord, and ready to accept You, to heal their body, minds and spirits... your way.
Lord Jesus, you held out a hand of mercy to so many who look for your help. Take hold of their hand and see them through this time of trouble. Grant them the courage to greet each new day. Renew their faith in your healing touch and help them to put their trust entirely in you in the days that lie ahead. Keep them close to you, that they may find comfort and peace in the nearness of your unfailing love.
Enlarge their thinking, be with them, keep them from evil, help them with their burdens and keep them from grief, amen (1 Chr 4 10).
Holy spirit, I ask you to minister to their spirit at this very moment. Where there is pain, give them your peace. Where there is self doubt, release a renewed confidence through your grace.
I lift them up to You, Father, and into Your hands I commend my spirit and theirs.
Father, take this burden from them. There's nothing else they can do. It's happening. It's out of their hands.
Lord have mercy on us.
+ In the name of the Father, the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, amen.
-not copyrighted, by Willy