If a tree falls in the forest, and there is nobody around to hear it, will it make a sound?
This supposedly highbrow question has traditionally been used by the Mensa crowd as a philosophical point of discussion. The snobs actually believe that there is a debatable answer, but any seasoned engineer knows the answer is: yes, it will... but the sound will be different depending on the observer. The observer... the somebody around to hear... is part of the tree-falling event. Period. No further discussion.Similarly, the person shopping at the grocery store produce aisle squeezing a tomato will bruise it and thus change it. Testing... the shopper... does change the item under test. Think of how many people will squeeze that tomato during a Saturday. And have you noticed the mess by the eggs?
In weapons testing, we have to watch for the testing cowboys jabbering too much on the radio while going thru their checklists, because too much of this might mean that the moving targets could be clear off the test area by the time somebody finally gets to press the trigger. Good thing that testing is not real-life, or our weapons would be worthless. Testing changes the item under test.
In dating and relationships, as one person goes shopping for another, he or she can and do leave a whole lot of bruised tomatoes in their wake, especially if that perfection they are looking for doesn't exist. Or what if they are the tomatoes that hang around just to get squeezed? I've seen this phenomena close-up and note that this world consists mostly of bruised tomatoes. Here, too, testing changes the item under test, and the bruising shows societally.
A solution? Is the bruising worth the squeeze? Give up tomatoes, and, especially, don't present yourself as one. There are sooo many better things to do in life.
And laugh at the squeezed tomato.
- © 2009 by Willy
P.S., watch what you observe!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bruised Tomatoes
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Who Wins?
It is said that the race goes not necessarily to the talented. More often, it goes to the obedient and reliable. It gets won by those who can be easily found, those who always say yes, and those who get it done. By those who do the right thing. By those kind souls who never confront or embarrass others. By those who work hard. Not necessarily by the best. Not necessarily by the smartest or most talented. Not necessarily by how well it gets done. Preferred does not necessarily imply optimal.
Life also goes to the prepared. To those who are ready for the wild cards with knowledge, wisdom and kindness. Care and empathy are an essential part of our jobs, and of our lives, no matter the job description. A wise person knows the how but also the when to make an exception to the rule and do right, to serve people. It takes experience, and it takes prayer. It takes doing the right thing, no matter what.
While doing the right thing, we might get trampled by The Takers, and our hearts will be broken a few times, which is expected. A broken heart can never really be repaired, so be ready for this. This has been an especially tough part for me.
What do we get out of this? We get satisfaction, and we get a warm feeling that we contributed, that we were able to change the world for the better, and that we made a difference with our life... giving us a smile on our face.
And we win.
- © 2009 by Willy
P.S., an early congrats to you on winning too.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Just when I get sick of people I remember to have lunch with the right kind-hearted person.
I am not a people person, but a machine guy... after all, I'm an engineer. However, at the current spot in my career, I have to deal with people, in all their splendor. At work, I call myself the Roto Rooter Man because my job is to keep the shit flowing... money coming in, work getting done, and reports delivered. Some of these people I deal with are very difficult individuals, but some others help me do my job in spite of the difficult ones, which keeps me from going crazy.Then there are the kind-hearted angels that give me such joy that they enable me to enjoy life. When we meet, we exchange complements, voice our concerns in a positive way, and resolve that life is good, after all. They are the wind at my back that keeps me going. I am blessed and grateful to have them.
So, here's to the kind-hearted angels in my life, and yours. May they understand their value.
- © 2009 by Willy
P.S., and may your tears be that of joy.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Role Model
It is said that life itself remains a very effective therapist. I need all the help I can get, but I had a tough time over the holidays and I badly needed winter to end. That seems to have come to pass this past weekend, and I went hiking again. Being outside makes me think things through. Nature soothes my inner stresses. I see and feel things differently during my solo hikes. I often start with: "Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." Then I listen.
My daffodils had poked through in mid-January so I figured that spring was not far behind, but I wasn't expecting to see the vast greenery available outside. Ferns were plentiful, briars abounded and one green bush was the size of a car... all undeterred by the stresses of the many weeks of recent freezing temperatures. I needed to see that. I'm going to tack up a picture of this bush as a role model to look to, to keep my soul off its knees.
I trust you, Father, your will be done.
- © 2009 by Willy
P.S., yes, may all your weeds be wildflowers.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
There are many amongst us that deceive as a way of life. They look straight at you, eye to eye, smile, and talk so convincingly that we believe every word... and get stuck. Deceit works, and it works well.
Smart deceivers don't get caught in the act. They create plausible deniability as they leave themselves room for the lie. They sweet-talk others into suspending their beliefs. They use all the right words, and they are good at it. It is amazing to me how good they are, but they practice a lot, and practice makes perfect.
We see them on TV, where politicians are in the process of giving the country away, after some good Hollywood acting and sound bites which appeal to your emotions. When they get through this second time of ransacking the treasury, the middle class will be poor and the greedy rich will be even richer.
We see deceivers at work, where they don't do anything and always have an excuse. The rest of us have to get their work done for them. Or do we?
We specially see deceivers in a relationship, where they play the odds that some people will believe them as they spin their webs of deceit to trap the trusting. Deceivers need prey to live off.
Even though we are all susceptible, and we live amongst them, we don't have to play the deceiver's game. We can counterplay with our own: keep reading...
- © 2009 by Willy