Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our life. If we were allowed to go through life without obstacles, it would cripple us... we would not be as strong as we could have been. Struggle is growth.I'm mentally and physically tougher today because I've often struggled with work, kids, relationships and injuries. Relationships have been the toughest... I told my ex that I'd rather get shot than divorced. Monday I will effectively struggle with dozens of difficult people and scores of email where forty years ago I was struggling to know myself. Today I struggled pressing 100-lb dumbbells but twenty years ago it was 20-pounders, and in a week I will struggle with days of all-day hiking where fifty years ago it was the second lap around the track. I accept and even welcome these struggles.
Unlike Popeye, I am what I am, but that's not all that I am. Life will continue to hammer and strengthen me.
- © 2010 by Willy
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Struggling Is Good
Friday, June 18, 2010
The Future
Time is the fourth dimension.
There are a few different ideas of time. Some call time an artifact, created for man, to keep everything from happening all at once. Others say past, present and future co-exist simultaneously in different dimensions (or so goes String Theory).
It seems to me that since we have to live with the choices we've already made, what we are now is what we've done, and so the future is defined by our actions today. Events unfold after decisions are made. Every act or choice has a chorus of consequences. Every act is a move which affects the next, changing me and everybody else... i.e., everything matters (Chaos Theory).
So, why not choose kindness, today? A kind word or deed makes miracles happen.
Key: The future tomorrow is our decision today. Choose wisely. I choose grace.
-© 2010 by Willy
P.S., it's time to go on.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I do what I can with what I have.
I'm friendly but I keep to myself unless engaged. There were three gals talking in the weightroom area. I had done cardio, warmed up the rotator cuff and had already done a delts circuit. I was on my second heavy set, minding my own business, when Carol showed this new gal her squat form... pushing up her chest and back her butt... and I lost concentration completely. After wasting time at the treadmill until they left, I went back for my last remaining power sets and finished my heavy workout in perfect form, without injury.
I can't control the wind but I can adjust my sail. To adjust, I withdrew.
I also love real chocolate ice cream but I can't have any and haven't had any in years. I'm still in irrational love with The Ex, but withdrew there too... I will not have anything to do with her, and haven't in years... after shedding many a tear. I can't choose how I feel but I can choose what I do about it.
Life's all about accepting and exerting self-control, which is no easy feat sometimes. How else would you live this day?
- © 2010 by Willy
Sunday, June 6, 2010
The Angel Waved
The angel looked like a cloud against the red sunset, and she waved at me... for the longest time. It was pleasant.
I always thought that if I was ever in one of those "Touched By An Angel" episodes in real life, the minute the angel lit up, I'd have a stroke or heart attack and die of fright.
This one was not frightful. She was just saying "hi." I'm lucky to have recognized her. It took a while.
- © 2010 by Willy
We're Selfish
A car tried to take me out today. In a residential area!
It was a beautiful, sunny day... but my red blinky was on anyway, and I had my hi-viz jersey. I was signaling left turn and was at the middle of the road and had eye contact but this man overtakes and passes me anyway, doing 50.
It happens all of the time. More and more, rogue drivers don't care about rules because it's all about them. I gave up riding out in the county because of all the meth heads out there. One redneck hit one of the ladies last month, snapping her neck, and no charges were filed against him. Nor against the idiot that took out the touring legend next town over, a couple of years ago. Nor against the gal that hit buddy Dave and left him with a paralyzed left arm. Nor that crazy doctor out west that intentionally tried to take out a pack of racers. Nor against any other driver that hits a rider. It's not right. Only if a gun is used do the cops go after him.
"Without rules we are each at the whim of a stronger neighbor." - Thomas Hobbs.
It seems that rules don't matter to cops nor to drivers.
- © 2010 by Willy