"Lord, people have drained me and life is tough. I'm done here... I'm ready to go."
"Not yet. I have sent you into this world with a special act of love to bestow. No one else can offer that act of love... it has been entrusted only to you."
"Lord... Father... I've lived a long life giving to my brothers and sisters. What else do I need to do? "
"When you're done, you can come over."
- text © 2008 by Willy
Monday, May 12, 2008
What Else?
How Far Is Heaven?
Lord, help me escape this misery. Where is heaven?
Astrophysicists... the geeks that study the skies... have stated that 90% of our universe is made up of "dark matter." That is, stuff we know is there but can't see. They think it may be because the matter is so dense, and thus gravity so strong, that even light cannot escape.
I propose the thought that this 90% is God, and heaven.
Maybe all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players (Shakespeare). Maybe we are on stage under bright lights, God is standing with crossed arms in front of the lectern at the pit, and the audience consists of all souls, all watching what we do.
Everything in the world... whatever is and whatever happens... is a test, disguised to give you the freedom of choice, so choose wisely (Rebbe Nachman of Breslov).
How far is heaven? We're standing in it!
- © 2008 by Willy
P.S., Hell is here too. You make the choice!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Want Vs. Need
We all want to be loved, nurtured & respected.
But, like happiness, I must take it as it comes rather than look for it, otherwise the cost and complexity would overwhelm me... that is, to be true to myself, I'd rather receive the lowest dosage of what I want. The right choice to make is that which brings me peace and serenity. I must temper kindness and generosity with the need to be selfish enough not to be a codependent.
Opportunity and temptation are everywhere.
I gotta be me. I yam what I yam.
- © 2008 by Willy
Sunday, May 4, 2008
A Walk In The Woods
Henry David Thoreau walked in the woods to attain a higher understanding of life. He thus developed a reverence for all living things, and one of his definitions of happiness.
There are many variations of happiness, just like there are many reasons for a walk in the woods... as many as opinions as to why we're here.
Since I was a kid, I've enjoyed walking in the woods by myself simply because I'm happy being in the woods by myself. There is no ulterior motive in it... although there's something to the appreciation of a hot shower and dry bed after a week's worth.
Solitude in the woods gives me the control to think, observe and hear at my own pace... as compared to incessant jabber. At my own pace I can stop and take a wildflower picture, watch the butterflies or listen to the birds.
It lets me daydream or run thought exercises, as Einstein called them, to help myself and contribute to others.
A walk in the woods makes me happy, and I find happiness an excellent healer.
Indeed the woods are lovely, dark and deep, Mr. Frost.
- © 2008 by Willy