Sunday, August 30, 2009

Reflections or Summary

OK, so here's a summary of what I've learned last few years through some reflection. I hope, by jotting it here, to remind myself in the future.

Out of clutter, lead a simple but rich life both at work and at home. Work is not hard if you're doing what you love. Accept what you have to with a positive attitude. Enjoy life with people as well as solo. Don't relive yesterday. Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition. Without adversity there is no drive. Do the right thing, no matter what. Make the choice that brings me peace and serenity. Forgive everyone for everything, and forgive myself too. You cannot fix stupid... you can only laugh at it. It's hard to find the right medication for grief. Sometimes the only way to get the right perspective is to let time pass. Time heals. Trust God. The best is yet to come. Enjoy the ride.

Now all I've got to do is remember this.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Closer to heaven, again

Another adventure: I did another Mt LeConte lodge hike last weekend. These have become easier as compared to other hikes, but they are still enjoyable. At 6,600 feet high, it's closer to heaven than is my home turf. I enjoy both the journey up and then the relaxing at the top. On a clear day you can see Gatlinburg off the cafeteria deck. If I'm lucky, I'm alone and quiet... and I can reflect.

Our group broke up into fast and slow, with the slow group going up the easier Trillium Gap Trail.

This time on the climb I hung around the back as sweep because one of the fast ladies wasn't feeling good (somebody has to stay with the problem and another goes for help). It ended up that she wasn't all that slow anyway, climbing the 6.6-mile (and 4,000-ft elevation change) Rainbow Falls Trail in 4 1/4 hours (including a break). This trail is visually and auditory stunning. On the way down she felt good and she and I led, making it down the same trail in 2 1/2 hours.

LeConte lodge is one of those remote but luxury places where dinner is ready at 5, sleeping is inside log cabins, and we leave right after breakfast. They bring supplies in twice a week by llama (via Trillium Gap Trail, yuck!) and once a year by helicopter.

The best thing is the feeling of being closer to heaven. There's no adventure quite like being hooked up with the creator of the universe.

- © 2009 by Willy

Check it off?

"Check that one off your bucket list!" said pastor Keith's friend at breakfast today.

I had just bragged to Keith that I was kicked out of a gym for the first time, at age 60.

The manager told me the rules were there to keep out the riffraff. Yep, those were his words. I broke the rule: I was wearing a tank top at the new Gold's Gym. Yes, a Gold's! So, I'm baaad, I'm bad, come on... you know it (Michael Jackson).

Oh, well, their dumbbells only went up to 65 anyway. Yes, 65... at a Gold's! The manager said that this, too, was to keep out the riffraff (yes, he did). If I had joined this Gold's I would have turned into a wuss like him. I'm keeping my current gyms and activities instead.

So, thanks to Gold's, I'm walking taller today. I needed it... I got word last week that my friend Kara died of leukemia. She was 44. Was quite the angel. A great loss.

- © 2009 by baaad Willy

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Between Heaven and Earth

There are acquaintances, there are friends, and there are buddies.

I'm in the process of helping buddy Delia move to her new condo, little by little. A recent widow, she has no children and one nephew... but she has me, Jane and young David. Delia is doing better after having both knees replaced and losing 40 pounds, but she's old, has fallen, and is having some concerns. She did order a hospital bed to her new condo, though. I'm glad she's still around... she's a grand dame and I enjoy an intelligent conversation. I've only known her a dozen years but she feels like an old buddy. Somebody took a picture of me and Delia snoring in a pew at a Prague church, so, we've slept together. A relationship, for sure.

I'm a big guy, but next to my buddy Dallas I look small. I've been working out with young Dallas for 18 years at four gyms, and... still... aspire to get huge like him. He's a nice guy too, not a 'roid rage lunkhead like other big guys. No, I do not need a skinny workout partner to look bigger. Dallas and I have had our arguments... a readhead came between us once... but we're buddies. Another relationship.

I've gone on adventure vacations with others of both sexes and a variety of age differences... I pick up old Roger this Saturday to hike the Smokies and young Diane will spend her weekend housesitting (we've gone vacationing together too) to feed and observe my wild animals. My blessings include uniquely kind-hearted Jennifer W, positively terrific Heidi, patient tutor Phil, delightful daughter Jennifer, reliable Jim, as well as many others.

I've got many strong relationships, but no romantic ones... intentionally. Friends and buddies are all the relationships I need, and all I can handle.

My buddies keep me between heaven and earth. They are the angels without which I would not enjoy life. Thanks, buddies.

- © 2009 by Willy

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Over The Rainbow

... and above the canopy.

Dorothy said that somewhere, over the rainbow, bluebirds fly.

Not only that but we also hike there, and some of us even live there. It may take near a lifetime to get Over The Rainbow, but where there's a goal, there's a way: Eventually, dreams that you dare to dream really do come true... IF you work for it.

Thank you, everyone who helped.

I have reached the state of mind in which there is no pain and no fear. Where I know I'm safe. When I feel loved and cared for by many. Real peace. All is well. Life is sweet.

- what wasn't The Wizard Of Oz is © 2009 by Willy

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Minimum versus Maximum Effort

I've got another hike coming up this month, but compared to The Whites or even the Grand Canyon, hiking up LeConte in the Smokeys has become kid's play. In order to make it challenging, I've been hiking up it with some tough cookies to see if I can keep up or beat them to the top.

Why do the minimal effort? Is it because we lack motivation? We have Free Will to do that, or to put in our best effort. Our choice.

I just ain't going that way... I'm not taking the shortest route. I'll enjoy taking the long, scenic way. See you at the top. I'll be waiting for you. With some humility, right.

- © 2009 by Willy