Monday, October 12, 2009

It's Natural?

Mother Nature loves variety... and in quantity.

If you train a telescope on a dark spot of the night sky, you see a star field. Zoom in and you'll see a star field, zoom again and you'll see... a star field, endlessly, but each one of those stars is unique. Same is true in the woods, with what seems like an infinite number of trees and rocks, but each is really different from the others. And ditto with people... an infinite number, but one very different from another.

In nature, some trails are easy and interesting but challenging, and others are difficult, painful and nasty.

Similarly, some people's souls are lazy, shallow and nasty, whereas others have interesting depth and breath to them, either because they escaped their nature... or because of it. Some people help solve problems... and others ARE the problem... and there are an infinite number of them in each of these two categories. I'm staying away from the problem people just like I'm staying away from The White Mountains. Deliver us from evil! That is, while I'm here, I'm associating with and choosing to enjoy the good. There's PLENTY of good here to choose, in the variety of people as well as in the variety of nature.

The attraction of naughty is much overrated and antiquated. Enough, already!

-© 2009 by Willy

Sunday, October 4, 2009


"Time is nature's way of keeping everything from happening at once," said Einstein. Time is a human contrivance, say the philosophers. A Higher Order Being doesn't need time... He can handle it.

"Time," I wrote as a kid, "is my most important ally," I was surprised to read. Maybe because I was more patient and led a simpler life then.

Before The Big Bang, there was no such thing as time. And the future is defined by our individual decisions and thus is extremely flexible... and hasn't happened yet. So, today, right now, is what I have.

If I really think about it, I do have as much time as I need. I haven't done badly and I aim to make the best of it.

OK, I've convinced myself, so off hiking in the rain I go.

- © 2009 by Willy