Sunday, December 14, 2008

Political Corruption

The term Political Corruption is becoming redundant. The poster child for this was Tricky Dicky's resignation clip "I'm not a crook," right after his vice-president, Spiro Agnew, resigned amidst charges of extortion, tax fraud, bribery, and conspiracy. President and Vice-President! That was in the early 70's, but it seems that there's a whole lot more of it now, at all levels.

Right now Illinois governor Blagojevich is in the news, and the media should be digging in to see who else is connected to the alleged blatant Senate-seat-for-sale scheme. I sure hope it does not taint the presidency.

New York's powerful Rep. Charlie Rangel, long time chairman of the hugely powerful House Ways and Means Committee is being investigated for ethics violations regarding an oil and gas drilling company gift.

But it's also happening in minor states and municipalities. When Alabama's Secretary of State pays her company and family out of campaign funds, and the same state's Attorney General accepts box seats for a pro baseball game from a state utility... and neither one thinks it's wrong... then corruption has become either the norm or unusually wholesale. It comes in Sam's Club sized packages, and it has permeated society.

God, save us all from these disgusting predators. Let them be hoisted by their own petard... let their own insatiable greed flatten them.

And, God... bless the honest man. Honest politics is a business of serving with patience and its economy is one of deferred compensation. Once out of office, the honest man can cash in on books, speeches, lobbying and introductions through contacts made and knowledge gained.

- © 2008 by Willy

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