Saturday, August 29, 2009

Closer to heaven, again

Another adventure: I did another Mt LeConte lodge hike last weekend. These have become easier as compared to other hikes, but they are still enjoyable. At 6,600 feet high, it's closer to heaven than is my home turf. I enjoy both the journey up and then the relaxing at the top. On a clear day you can see Gatlinburg off the cafeteria deck. If I'm lucky, I'm alone and quiet... and I can reflect.

Our group broke up into fast and slow, with the slow group going up the easier Trillium Gap Trail.

This time on the climb I hung around the back as sweep because one of the fast ladies wasn't feeling good (somebody has to stay with the problem and another goes for help). It ended up that she wasn't all that slow anyway, climbing the 6.6-mile (and 4,000-ft elevation change) Rainbow Falls Trail in 4 1/4 hours (including a break). This trail is visually and auditory stunning. On the way down she felt good and she and I led, making it down the same trail in 2 1/2 hours.

LeConte lodge is one of those remote but luxury places where dinner is ready at 5, sleeping is inside log cabins, and we leave right after breakfast. They bring supplies in twice a week by llama (via Trillium Gap Trail, yuck!) and once a year by helicopter.

The best thing is the feeling of being closer to heaven. There's no adventure quite like being hooked up with the creator of the universe.

- © 2009 by Willy

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