Wednesday, February 17, 2010

37-minute Warm-up

My buddy John started the frigid hike with the enthusiasm of breaking in new boots, but a half-mile into it had knee problems. I shouldn't have allowed that to happen, and usually begin winter hikes rather slowly. I'll leave John's knee to heal for a couple of weeks before I hike with him again, and then will start much slower and will suggest long johns.

It's been so cold that cycling outside is almost impossible... the wind chill makes sweat produce hypothermia.

Even inside at the gym, it took me 37 minutes to get through warm-up and feel good about ramping up the load on the elliptic.

It's all about the warm-up... tempos and intervals can happen after a good warm-up.

I should think that life stresses and anxieties should also happen after a good and long warm-up, but 60 years haven't been long enough yet and so I've turned down the load knob.

- © 2010 by Willy

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