Sunday, December 9, 2012

We Know What To Do

Yes, of course we all know what to do for health and fitness: Diet and exercise, through discipline and motivation. All the doctors agree. There's no secret and there's no magic. Specifically, what works is:

1. Don't smoke, and minimize alcohol, sugar and fat intake.

2. To lose weight, reduce the amount of what you eat.

3. To quit huffing and puffing, do more cardio.

3. To build muscle, lift weights.

4. To avoid back pain, do core/abs/yoga/stretch.

5. Hydrate well but drink water instead of sodas, teas, juice or whatever.

6. Reduce stress by keeping life simple.

To me, the key is discipline and motivation. Keep from eating that one cookie at work over Christmas because it would require an extra thirty minutes of cardio. And motivation is always best when I'm enjoying it... like doing cardio outside rather than inside, or lifting with a buddy rather than at home. All variations, like dieting group businesses, exist only due to lack of discipline and motivation.

It's simple; that's all there's to it. Just do it. It's discipline like a monk's. But be happy about it. I'm doing it.

- text © 2012 by Willy

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