Thursday, August 7, 2008


"If they are happy then they are successful" is the modern generation definition.

My older generation defined success as having enough discipline and sacrifice to save the money to afford house, car and kids, the accouterments that went with it, with the requisite independence and contributions. Happy came a distant sixth.

"How is THAT going to make ME happy?" the newbies chant in unison.

The concept of independence has been lost through the generations. My grandparents were able to build a successful life without WalMart. My concept of independence is to stand on my own two feet and bother others as little as possible. Most of the current generation seems to think nothing of bothering friends and family for menial things like dropping off a car for an oil change. They don't even know where the dipstick is, the dipsticks.

My generation would not even think of moving back home with mom and dad... living in a tent being preferred... but many of the new generation do this with no shame... sponging off mom and manipulating dad.

My grandmother thought of a little fat as being healthy, wealthy and successful, since a little fat allowed a person to survive through a famine better than a thin person. Most of this new generation seems to be pure fat but couldn't survive a single day without food, the softies.

In business, the Peter Drucker generation believe success to be determination, goal setting, concentration and courage. Many of the new generation thinks of business success as being able to get something for nothing. They remind me of an irresponsible puppy, cute and entertaining, but useless.

Will this Rome burn?

- © 2008 by Willy

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