Sunday, November 30, 2008

Again to Social Bike Riding

I'm not used to bicycle riding with others, but did go a couple of hours today to accompany my friend Dave and some of his pack. This was Dave's first ride since he collided with a truck during a descent about a month ago. He had said he needed a wheel but it was me who was sucking wheel. Groups have a way of getting you motivated. Conversely, riding solo means that you can slow down to any speed, sightsee and lollygag... and lose fitness.

Now, I do like to sightsee and lollygag. It's a quiet time to observe nature, think and pray... but I do recognize that I need my fitness too to keep the pounds off and the juices flowing. A good friend of mine my age went into the hospital this weekend... yes, Thanksgiving... with congenital heart failure.

Our ride today was between one rainstorm and another. Early today it was raining buckets, then it was sunny briefly while we rode, and I got back home at about the time the sky opened up again. Our timing was good and with temps in the 40's, it was a nice ride.

And, no, I decided not to go up into the Smokeys to do some cold weather backpacking because of the precip added to the temps meant road closures like last weekend's. Instead, I hiked locally, hit the gym and biked today. I'll try again over the Christmas weekend.

- © 2008 by Willy

1 comment:

Violet said...

You gotta post more about biking, I'm desperate for it. I won't be back on my bike until March at the earliest. I have, however, been given clearance to swim. That's something!