Friday, June 18, 2010

The Future

Time is the fourth dimension.

There are a few different ideas of time. Some call time an artifact, created for man, to keep everything from happening all at once. Others say past, present and future co-exist simultaneously in different dimensions (or so goes String Theory).

It seems to me that since we have to live with the choices we've already made, what we are now is what we've done, and so the future is defined by our actions today. Events unfold after decisions are made. Every act or choice has a chorus of consequences. Every act is a move which affects the next, changing me and everybody else... i.e., everything matters (Chaos Theory).

So, why not choose kindness, today? A kind word or deed makes miracles happen.

Key: The future tomorrow is our decision today. Choose wisely. I choose grace.

-© 2010 by Willy

P.S., it's time to go on.

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