Sunday, June 6, 2010

We're Selfish

A car tried to take me out today. In a residential area!

It was a beautiful, sunny day... but my red blinky was on anyway, and I had my hi-viz jersey. I was signaling left turn and was at the middle of the road and had eye contact but this man overtakes and passes me anyway, doing 50.

It happens all of the time. More and more, rogue drivers don't care about rules because it's all about them. I gave up riding out in the county because of all the meth heads out there. One redneck hit one of the ladies last month, snapping her neck, and no charges were filed against him. Nor against the idiot that took out the touring legend next town over, a couple of years ago. Nor against the gal that hit buddy Dave and left him with a paralyzed left arm. Nor that crazy doctor out west that intentionally tried to take out a pack of racers. Nor against any other driver that hits a rider. It's not right. Only if a gun is used do the cops go after him.

"Without rules we are each at the whim of a stronger neighbor." - Thomas Hobbs.

It seems that rules don't matter to cops nor to drivers.

- © 2010 by Willy

1 comment:

Violet said...

Michigan is currently debating two bills in the House and Senate, termed the "Vulnerable User laws." Passage would levy penalties on motorized drivers who hit bikers the same as those who hit construction workers on the highways. I've been working with 2 bike groups to lobby for this. I"ll let you know how it goes.