Saturday, December 22, 2007


"If those kids can bicycle 100 miles, then so can I." - me. This comes straight out of Middle-Age Ego and does not take into account... my age, weight and fitness level, and their age, weight and fitness level. Riding 100 miles in one sitting is tough on the tush. Ouchie! Some fantasies hurt!

I had an outside thermometer that read about 10 degrees too warm, and I loved this known fantasy, which helped me think positive: "It's not bad out there... I'm going riding!" Some fantasies can be helpful.

"Thanks" often really translates to "Kiss my butt." Usually said by new, young, women when I open a door for them. It's the way they say it. I smile back and fantasize that I'm a gentleman. Fantasies are definitely one-sided.

"All I want for Christmas is you." - Mariah Carey and lots of others. Pure Hollywood bull. Some fantasies are widespread.

Innocent and over 30? - my ex. Yeah, right. Another great fantasy but really a double bull... more like immature and irresponsible than innocent.

"I work out every day, am a beautiful, independent, adventurer." - my ex. In my experience this was her self-deception and self-fantasy, and what I really found was "Fat, shallow and self-centered parasite who will sleep with all your friends."

So, a pretty, active, innocent, independent young lady loves me and likes to sleep with me? - I believed it, of course... my fantasy and my self-deception... and I believed it for years. It was a good fantasy, but the reality was that she was just another bitch. And the world turns, and I laugh. Some fantasies are funny.

It's not the miles but the smiles.

Live well, laugh often and love much... but don't succumb.

- © 2007 by Willy

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