Sunday, September 27, 2009

Something to...

It is said that to be happy, we need three things: something to do, something to love, and something to hope for.

To most people, a pan of brownies in the oven will do.

To me, a pretty day out does it, every time.

Today was one of those days. I woke up late, went to breakfast at my usual place, ended up spending the morning having a terrific breakfast there with this very interesting friend and his wife (who had trouble prying us apart later due to the volume of jokes we exchanged). Then at noon I went out bicycling on a beautiful, clear, sunny day on a route seldom populated, to the river at the edge of town and back (a slow 30 miles with a break at the river). A Hi-Viz jersey day. Another small but great adventure. The day ended with a beautiful sunset.

While DOing the riding, even though I could not see the headwind, I felt it (just like God). I LOVEd the headwind for the training, as well as hills, and as well as life. How much better can it possibly get? I HOPE FOR even better days! I'm happy.

- © 2009 by Willy

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