Saturday, May 30, 2009

Everything Matters

In Chaos Theory, a butterfly's wings move a blade of grass, which moves others and the change carries forward around the world and may result in a cyclone.

Everything matters because everything affects every other thing. Everything is connected. It was exampled in Jimmy Stewart's “It's a Wonderful Life” movie. More recently, when the government said we're going to put all this corn in our gas tank... it did not intend to cause food riots in Mexico, but it did.

Anybody's action affects every other person. Yawning and happiness are both contageous. Highup muckety mucks believe they influence us little guys, but us little guys could affect them too.

There are no random, independent acts... they are all connected, and good comes from all this. Each life affects the other and the other affects the next. The world is full of stories but the stories are all one.

We might have priorities due to our limitations, but everything we say and do is important and world-changing.

- text © 2009 by Willy

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