Thursday, May 7, 2009

It's In The Hands

Aretha Franklin asked how-can-she-tell-if-he-loves-me in her song "It's In His Kiss." She said we can't tell by looking in the eyes, the face, by an embrace, nor by the way they behave... it was all in the kiss. It made a good song, but was dead wrong. It's all in their behavior, and watching them gives them away.

I believe that you can tell a whole lot about another person by watching their hands and what they do with them.

If she's wringing her hands, she's stressed, but at what? If his arms are crossed and folded, watch out. If her handshake is too strong, she's domineering. If his hand is asking for money or just taking it from your purse, he's a leach you don't want. If her hands are tatooed, she's self-centered and has no room for you. If his hands are on the keyboard or phone and he's ignoring you, you mean nothing to him.

If her hand's index finger is pointing at you, she's transfering blame and life will be hell. If it's his middle finger he's showing you, put some space between you. If her hand is on your butt, she's got a one-track mind and she's no good. If his hand is clenched into a fist, get out now while you can.

If you allow your heart in her hands, you've made a mistake. If your own hands are continuously paying for everything, you're screwing up here too.

If she's using her hands to plant a tree or to perform work, that's as it should be. If his hands are curled around a handlebar, he's having fun, but if it's a golf club, you'll be a widow. If she's giving you a hand, that's terrific. If his hands are resting in his lap, he's relaxed and listening to you. If her hands are laced on her head, she's fun. If his hand is waving at you, he likes you. If her hands are massaging you, you have not one care in the world.

If his hands are praying, if her hands are holding yours gently, or protecting you, or if they are caring and serving hands, or one arm is around your back with hand on shoulder, giving you a hug when you need it... you found a great friend indeed. Treasure this one.

-© 2009 by Willy

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