Sunday, May 31, 2009


I have lived a long and good life and my experiences have made a cynic and skeptic out of me. Like Saint Thomas feeling Jesus' nailholes, I believe only what I can see and touch.

Case One:

Although I've been blessed to have been surrounded mostly by good people, I can't help but notice the huge variability. Just like there have been horrible people, there are some at the other end of the distribution too... I've seen and touched people who are sweet, sensitive, tender, empathetic, caregiving, loving and have a positive attitude. They exist. I'm deeply impressed by them, and thankful... I feel blessed to have the gift of these friendships. There is good in this world, just like there is evil too.

I believe in angels.

Case Two:

When my young son took up skateboarding many years ago, he hurt himself many a time skating down the steep driveway. That didn't mean that I was a bad father for allowing it to happen. It was his decision. In every case, I picked him up, and took him to the emergency room. The same is true for me and my Father... when bad things happen, in every case, He is right there to pick me up. He's touched me.

I believe in God.

- © 2009 by Willy

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